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Imagine two car showrooms –
In the first showroom, you see all the cars on display and you can check them out. But if you have a question, there is not a soul you can talk to, you can go to the next floor and ask questions or you could drop your visiting card in a box to arrange for a test ride.
In the showroom next door you can checkout the cars and as soon as you look for someone for queries/help, you see a smiling salesperson approaching you. They even open the doors for you and ask you if you would like a test ride. They help you make your choices and asks you for your phone number for a follow up with you.
Where are you more likely to provide your contact details? Does being proactive towards your customers help them or does it annoy them ? Is human behavior the same in the online world ?
We discuss these questions and how technology can be used to help you proactively generate leads.
Not Sure, What to learn and how it will help you?