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7 Simple Steps to Retarget Facebook Live Video

Retarget facebook live video

Facebook Live video marketing is one of the hottest trends in the industry right now. And is quickly becoming a tool that gives brands a high level of reach and engagement. This is a feature within Facebook that allows you to post live videos to your personal or brand page. It overtook YouTube as the #1 video streaming service on the Internet! Since its launch in April 2016.

What’s Special About Facebook Live?

Facebook Live is quickly becoming the perfect platform for delivering good, useful content to your audience. It recently announced an update that it will make Live videos rank higher by showing at the top of news feeds. By this, you can reach out to more people and show up at the earliest in peoples news feed. A great way to have a one-on-one engagement with your customers who can ask questions and give feedback in Real-time. This helps you to figure out what your customers are interested in and whats going to be relevant to them in other marketing materials.

While you may not be able to collect email addresses through your Facebook Live, what you can do is retarget people who watch. So you could show viewers sponsored posts leading to your best content, or even direct to an opt-in or your membership.
You can also use ads to put the recording of your Live in front of a wider audience, increasing your reach even further.

Have you tried to retarget Facebook live video?

Retargeting facebook live audience

Facebook has opened up new ways to retarget people and show them content or ads based on prior actions, including video retargeting. When someone sees a video (recorded or live) for at least three seconds, Facebook takes note of who they are and puts them into a retargeting custom audience that you can use to retarget again.
To capture the attention of live viewers on a spur-of-the-moment is amazing! But why retarget someone who watched a Facebook Live video?
Amanda an Ad strategist says that it’s part of getting people to know, like, and trust your brand, also to start nurturing conversations that may lead to a sales transaction.
As a pixel-based technology, retargeting ads anonymously follow your audience throughout their online journey to later target them with personalized product offers.

Facebook Live + Custom Audiences

Facebook automatically creates the audience for you as you go live or upload video to your Facebook business page. (This functionality doesn’t work on Facebook groups or your personal page.) The custom audience will include anyone who watches at least three seconds of any video on your Facebook business page.

When someone has attended your Facebook Live broadcast, you know that person is highly interested in your business. And you know that they’re familiar with whatever you shared during the broadcast. That gives you quite a bit of information about them and that means they’re good prospects for remarketing.
Using Facebook Ads, you can now create a custom audience based on interaction with your Facebook Live videos.

Here’s how to do it in 7 simple steps.

Step 1: Head over to Ads Manager and select Audiences from the drop down menu.

Retarget facebook live video - audiences

Facebook automatically creates the custom audience as you go live or upload video to your business page. This functionality doesn’t work with videos on your Facebook groups or your personal page.

To set up your options, go to your Facebook Ads Manager and open Audience dashboard.

Step 2: Click Create Audience and then choose Custom Audience from the drop down list.

Retarget facebook live video - custom audience

Step 3: Choose Engagement on Facebook as the type of audience you want to create.

Retarget facebook live video - engagement on facebook

Step 4: Select Video, then begin to make your custom audience.

Retarget facebook live video - video

If lots of people watched your Facebook Live video, it is recommended to choose an individual video and target people who viewed 25% or more. But If you are still building a following, you may need to do several videos and create audiences for each one before having enough audience members to begin showing ads. If you’re looking to create a specific follow-up sequence, you might select one video at a time.

Retarget facebook live video - timing

Step 5: Select your Facebook Live video(s) from the list and create your audience.

You have the option to create an audience based on how much of your video someone watched.
Note the default time frame Facebook will use to pull an audience would be in the last 365 days, so if you have used Facebook Live in the past, you can create audiences based on videos you ran up to a year ago.
Audience created, whats next?

Retarget facebook live video - 365 days

Step 6: Now we get to select the videos we want to include in our audience.

Retarget facebook live video - selection

Now check the boxes next to the videos you want to include. It depends on how many videos you have and how many average views your videos get. Or create specific audiences based on the topic of the videos.

You can include anyone who’s watched your video in the last year. Or if you only want to target people in the last 180, 90 or 30 days you can do that, too.

Step 7: Name your audience and you’re set!

Even if you have only a few videos, you could easily have an audience of at least a few thousand people.
Yes! You have a new group to re-target with your ads now.

Where to use Facebook Live and retargeting ads to?

1. Educate current customers on a new product

Inviting your followers to a Facebook Live video where they can ask questions and get much more detail on your new product. Then, create a remarketing campaign that targets the viewers of this video and sends them to the product page.

2. Share your small live event and expand your reach

You can capture interest very quickly and reach a wider audience by broadcasting the event on Facebook Live. This has a great interface that easily lets people browse videos that are live streamed at the moment.

Try creating an audience for any viewers who watched more than 3 seconds of your broadcast and sending them to a landing page with an offer, such as a special promotion or a contest. Make sure you also use the page to provide any information they may have missed in the video if they didn’t see the whole thing.

3. To get feedback and give help

Invite your followers and your email list to your Facebook Live broadcast, encourage questions and feedback, and answer in real time during the video. This is a great way to build rapport and trust with your customer base. Then, continue the conversation by adding viewers to two different custom audiences for your retargeting ads.

For existing customers, consider creating retargeting ads around a special promotion aimed at retaining customers long-term.
Non-customers who tune in are likely some of your top prospects. Send them directly to a sales page, or to a landing page where they can schedule a one-on-one demo or a free consultation.

4. Remind people of the special offer or bonus content that you discussed on the live.

No matter how much your audience has watched the video content, this functionality enables you to design your customers’ experience journey and tailor it to their needs. You can create a unique content flow for the people that have watched your whole video by targeting them with a specific ad in line with the video content. And show a different content to the users who have only watched part of your video, thus providing them with distinct experiences at different stages of their journey.

Image Credit: social lab marketing and social media examiner.

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2 thoughts on “7 Simple Steps to Retarget Facebook Live Video”

  1. I’m fascinated by Facebook retargeting initiatives that you promote here. This post has a rating of 86.67%, and I’m going to give it a five-star rating because I think it’s fantastic. The Facebook live video marketing has proven to be something that my company has enjoyed tremendously. I’m just a little concerned that the live streaming will perhaps display something that I don’t want to come out during my video streaming, but we are very careful to rehearse ahead of time to avoid such a scenario. It’s great for retargeting purposes, and I’ve actually had a company called Treepodia help me with some of these videos before I stream them on Facebook. I like Amanda’s comment about getting people to know like and trust your brand. That’s why I’m a big fan of retargeting – kudos to the writer!

    1. Thank you, Pieter Uys!
      Live streaming is one of the most genuine ways to connect with an audience. This allows for levels of personalization too… You’re getting your brand out there and engaging with your audience. To rehearse ahead of time creates an enjoyable experience and provides value in everything you do. They are actively learning more about your brand and also are sharing it with their friends!!

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