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Data Analysis Jobs: Which Job Suits you the Best?

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Data is everywhere and this has led to the growth of Data Analysis Jobs across the globe.

It is predicted that the revenue from the sales of business and data analytics services will increase to $187 by 2019, signifying 50% growth jump.

That said, there is no denying the fact that there has been a growing demand for skilled data analysts in the market.

What is Data Analytics?

The science of examining raw data to draw conclusions about that information is the job of a data analyst.

It involves applying an algorithm or mechanical process to derive insights. For example, running through a number of data sets to look for meaningful correlations between each other.

Demand of Data Analysis Jobs

Data analysis jobs are everywhere and they are bound to increase! Here are some facts and figures to highlight this:

2.5 billion gigabytes (GB) of data was generated every day in 2012. (IBM)

Going by the statistics, by 2020, about 1.7 megabytes of new information will be created every second for every human! Well, that’s huge. Very huge. Companies will need more and more data specialists to analysis and manage the data generated.

Google trends - data analytics jobs

These Google Trends represents the growing demand for data analysis jobs in India over a period of 2014 to 2017. The red line represents the demand of data analytics jobs in India from 1st Jan 2014 to 1st Jan 2015 whereas the blue line depicts the rise in data analysis jobs from 1st Jan 2016 to 1st Jan 2017.

8 Types of Business & Data Analysis Jobs

Regardless of where you are on your data analytics career path, it probably seems daunting to consider all the skills you need to be recruiter-ready. Typically, data lovers come from three different backgrounds.

  • Starting from zero
  • Strong programming background
  • Strong mathematical background

Data analysis jobs and responsibilities require diverse skills. Here are some of the data science roles discussed along with the technical knowledge, skill set, and mindset required to carry it. You will find the detailed analysis of job offerings, their description, and the skill requirements.

1. The Data Analyst

If you want to become a data analyst, then you must know languages like Python, C, R, SQL, Excel, and more.

The skills and talents needed for this role are diverse and range the entire spectrum of the data science process combined with a healthy ‘figure-it-out’ attitude.

Companies like IBM, HP and others have a huge pool of data analyst jobs and are looking for skilled analysts to do these jobs.

Data Analyst Salary

Average: $62,379

Note: Know Best Data Analytics Books.

2. The Business Analyst

The job of a business analyst is less technically oriented, the business analysts do wonders in their jobs for the deep knowledge of the different business processes.

They master the skill of linking data insights to actionable business insights and is able to use storytelling techniques to spread the message across the entire organization. If you are someone with a good understanding of business and technology both, then this is THE job for you!

Companies with the need for business analysts are active and diverse in very different industries. Some of the companies that have major business analyst jobs are Oracle, Dell, and Uber.

Business Analyst Salary

Average: $65,991

3. The Data Scientist

As fascinating as this name sounds, the job is equally fascinating. The closer you get to Silicon Valley, the more valuable the Data Scientist job becomes.

It difficult for companies to find a person with deep data science knowledge and skills. He or she masters a whole range of skills and talents going from being able to handle the raw data, analyze that data with the help of statistical techniques to sharing the insights with the organization in a compelling way.

The data scientist jobs are highly in demand in companies like Microsoft, Google, and Facebook.

Data Scientist Salary

Average: $118,709

4. Data and Analytics Manager

The one who manages data and analytics is the driver of the team. He/she gives direction to the data science team and makes sure the right priorities are set. The person combines strong technical skills in a diverse set of technologies like SAS, R, SQL, Excel, Python etc with the social and leadership skills required to manage a team.

Companies like Motorola, Slack, Coursera etc offer this ‘difficult to fit in’ job.

Data and Analytics Manager Salary

5. The Data Architect

The importance of data architect jobs is also increasing with the rise of big data. The person in this role creates the blueprints for data management systems to centralize, integrate, maintain, and protect the data sources.

Data Analyst and Database Designer makes the role of a Data Architect. They integrate data from different unrelated data sources to help find relevant information.

Data Architect Salary

Average: $100,118

6. The Data Engineer

The ones going for data engineer job profile often have a background in software engineering and loves to handle databases and large-scale processing systems.

The data engineers can easily master technologies and therefore, is familiar with a diverse set of languages that span both statistical programming languages and languages oriented more towards web development.

Data Engineer Salary

Average: $95,936

7. The Statistician

The job of a statistician is to represent the data science field for getting useful insights from data.

Having a logical and stats oriented mindset, and a strong background in statistical methodologies, and theories, a statistician harvests the data and turns it into knowledge and information.

If you are going for this job profile, make sure you can handle all sorts of data. The quantitative background helps the modern statisticians to quickly master new technologies and use these to boost their intellectual capabilities.

You can radically transform the business with your quantitative knowledge.

Statistician Salary

Average: $75,069

8. The Database Administrator

Since data is the next big thing, companies need someone who can make sure you are fully exploiting the available data. This is the job of a Database Administrator. He/she makes sure that the database is available to all relevant users, performing properly, and is kept safe.

How to prevent mishaps comes naturally to a Database Administrator. He makes sure the security is taken care of, all the backup and recovery systems are in place, and keeps track of the different technologies that are being used and how to support these.

Database Administrator Salary

Average: $67,672

Data analysis jobs

Data Analytics Skills

To be a successful data analyst, you need to have two sets of skills: soft and technical skills.

The data analyst jobs require several folds of work. It goes by defining a problem, testing a hypothesis, and the data must be drawn out and then analyzed. Here are skills you should take a look on:

A. Soft Skills in Data Analytics

Here are the soft skills required in Data Analytics jobs:

1. Define the problem

Define the issue and narrow the analysis down. Balance the demands to reduce ‘what if’ questions and understand the needs required by the business.

2. Know the audience

As a data analyst, you will be required to answer both CEO and PM. However, there is a different presentation required for both. For PM, you will want a more collaborative interaction with more scenarios and less polished ppt. Whereas, for a CEO, you will be looking for a specific recommendation.

3. Delivery

Having a wonderfully accurate predictive model that has been tested to deliver a low RMSE or an AB test that can increase conversion without reducing sales prices. You will need a great presentation of key findings.

B. Technical Skills in Data Analytics

Basic Knowledge of statistics to an in-depth understanding of Machine Learning. Most clients of analysis will not look at more than descriptive analysis (means, medians).

Computer skills that are useful are statistical language (SPSS, SAS, R), Spreadsheet (Excel), scripting language (Matlab, Python), and Querying Language (Pig, Hive, SQL).


The salaries can differ depending upon the location, industry, and the company you have applied for. In most of the cases, data and analytics manager or a data scientist job will give you the highest paycheck.

Then comes the job of a data engineer and data architect. Those having software engineering background or knowledge of both data analytics skills and software engineering can fill these roles.

You must know that learning data science & analytics is the foundation to almost all data related jobs! Since the data related job market is hot these days, it is safe to assume that the salaries of data analyst, business analyst, data manager, and others will rise in the future.

Infographic credits: DataCamp

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Rakesh Ghumatkar
Rakesh has 17+ years of National & International experience in IT Marketing & Recruitment. He has identified Data Science, AI, and ML as a next growth area and is actively working on helping organizations hire Data Scientists. He currently serves as the HR-Business Partner at Digital Vidya leading the hiring of our successful participants.

1 thought on “Data Analysis Jobs: Which Job Suits you the Best?”

  1. almost all types data analytics jobs like data engineer,data analyst,data scientist etc are mentioned here with their respective roles .Thank you.

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