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6 Second YouTube Bumper Ads A To Z To Maximize Awareness

Bumper ads

Thinking of using YouTube bumper ads?

Or wondering if you should use them?

Then you have arrived to the right place.

In this article, you’ll learn all about YouTube bumper ads and how to use them for your business.

So let’s get started.

What are Bumper Ads?

Youtube bumber ads

In 2016, YouTube broke the news of bumper video ads into the market.

Bumper ads are unskippable YouTube ads that only last up to six seconds.

These YouTube ads appear before a video begins or during it.

And are considered a great opportunity for brands and marketers to showcase a concise yet highly impactful message.

Since they’re only unskippable and a few seconds long, the audience attention retention of these ads is much higher than with other ad formats.

Additionally, they’re less likely to frustrate viewers due to the 6-second duration.

When run alongside other ad formats, these bumper ads build brand awareness and can also help with YouTube SEO.

How Bumper Ads are different from other Youtube Ad Formats?

Bumper ads format

Bumper ads have three main distinctions that separate them from other Youtube Ads:

  • These are unskippable Youtube video ads that run before a YouTube video. They don’t have that “Skip this ad” button you see on longer ads.
  • They are 6 seconds long and therefore, are less intrusive than other ad formats.
  • These Youtube ads are charged on a CPM, not a CPV basis. This results in lower costs, as CPM means you only pay every 1000 times your ad is seen.

The idea why bumper ads came into existence?

YouTube uses advertisements as its main form of revenue.

Thus, it is crucial for this social media channel to give the best to its business clients.

To let the advertisers lead a successful ad campaign so that they are able to generate maximum sales.

YouTube focuses on improving its existing standards of Ad presentation in order to capture the attention in an effective way.

The idea befits the consumer preference and at the same time blends well with the organizational objectives of the respective advertiser.

Bumper Ads simply serve the purpose well in every related aspect.

Keeping in mind the usage patterns of today’s generation and the preferential approach to less time-consuming yet interesting content YouTube in 2016 has introduced the 6-second format to widen the advertiser’s reach and make the frequency of views higher.

What are the benefits of Bumper Ads?

Running a video bumper ad campaign can benefit your brand in the following 5 ways-

  • Drive brand awareness through key messaging, calls to action, or ideas.
  • Increase your marketing campaign reach.
  • Using these 6 seconds (or even less) ads, you can easily deliver a concise message, without being an annoyance.
  • Since the bumper ad bidding strategy is CPM, i.e, you only pay for every 1,000 impressions you maximize your budget with a less expensive video format.
  • Bumper video ads can also be used for retargeting audiences.

How much YouTube Bumper Ads cost?

How much these YouTube bumper ads cost is a commonly asked question. But as the cost is very variable, so it’s hard to give a set cost.

The exact bumper ads cost is based on the industry, location, and target audience of a business.

Bumper ads are charged for every 1,000 impressions, and you can set limits on how much you will spend per 1,000 impressions and for the entire campaign.

Generally, you can expect to pay $1-4 per thousand views for a youtube bumper ad.

How to Create Your Own Bumper Ads on Youtube?

To create your own Bumper ads on YouTube:

  • Start by creating a Google Ads account so that you can monitor all your YouTube ad campaigns and related data.
  • Click on ‘Campaign’ and navigate to the campaigns page.
  • There is a ‘+’ button, select ‘New Campaign.’
  • In the following screen, select ‘brand awareness and reach’ as your ad goal.
  • Select ‘Bumper’ as your campaign type.
  • Campaign name, budget, language, and targeting options are now customized in this step. This ensures that your bumper ads reach the right audience.
  • Give the ad group a name and add your target CPM bid.
  • Create a bumper ad, and choose a banner to go along with it.
  • Upload your ad.

The bumper ad is now ready to be reviewed and go live.

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YouTube Bumper Ads tips

With Google introducing videos as a part of SEO, marketers now give attention to video formats to attract potential customer’s attention towards their

product or service.

One of the latest Video trends is the bumper Youtube Video Ads which are currently ruling video marketing and advertising.

We have listed below a few Youtube marketing tips which will help you to strategize and make the most of the 6 seconds you got.

1. Focus on a single idea

It is very important that you do not confuse the viewer with multiple ideas when you do not even have complete time for one.

Make use of an effective appeal in the Bumper Ad to make it catchy.

When you decide to focus on only one idea, you are able to keep the message clear and crisp.

In case, you have multiple ideas in mind, you should instead try one ad for each of them.

This will give you two advantages.

  • You will be able to present a clear picture to your audience, and
  • Multiple ads will build engagement and if you can make a creatively involving ad, people will begin to look forward to the next one.

2. Keep it simple

The short duration of bumper ads means you need to keep the ad simple.

Don’t try to have things like loads of text, cut scenes, tons of visuals, etc in a short video.

Using them will just overwhelm people. So, keep your message simple and relevant.

3. Use creative tools to seek attention

Plan the 6 seconds such that they are expressive enough to inform, persuade or educate your audience exactly as you intend them to understand.

For achieving this objective you can use various advertisement tools like voiceovers, Background music, and attention-grabbing dialogues based on the appeal you are using to fascinate your viewers.

Here, you need to understand that the content you use is supposed to be attention-seeking yet agreeable to leave a positive impact on the viewers.

Catchy music or exceptional dialogue will be a trademark for your brand or service.

For instance, the music used in the advertisement of Tata Tea, Jago Re! is stuck in our heads and has worked really well to develop the brand value of the company.

If someone randomly says Nirma, the track of the Ad instantly starts playing in your head.

This is sole because of the recall value the company has built over the years by using the same music with the same lyrics for years now.

If you plan to go for a series of ads, then you can keep the same music for each of them to maintain the recall factor.

4. Use the targeting features fully

There are tons of targeting options in Google Ads but the two main opt.

But focus on these two targeting features – demographics and interests.

Demographics lets you choose things like: age, parental status, gender, location, education, etc.

You can set these parameters so that you can show the relevant audience to make the biggest impact.

5. Use Retargeting feature

Bumper video ads can also be used for remarketing.

By using the retargeting feature, you can easily target people who have some previous interaction with your brand or website.

This interaction can be visiting the website or joining your email list.

With YouTube Ads, you can easily retarget people who have watched your channel, commented, or subscribed.

YouTube Bumper Ads Examples

Use Bumper Video ads as an intro video to your Trueview Youtube video ads

1. Krispy Kreme’s simple Ad focuses on product quality

Now firstly, what is a Trueview Youtube video ad?

It is the various kinds of videos that are played or placed on Youtube. It includes the most common skippable Youtube video ads which can be skipped after 5 seconds.

Many YouTubers, as well as production houses, use Bumper Videos as trailers of the Truview ads or the main videos.

It is quite a relevant fact that an entertaining and catchy bumper ad enables the advertiser or the marketer to gain leads or a larger viewership in the case of entertainment videos.

2. Use a series of Bumper Ads in a storytelling format

The advertisers have found out that if a single Bumper ad is cluttered with several ideas it will leave the viewer clueless.

Thus, in the context of a Bumper Ad, it should be a mandate to present a single idea in one video.

To generate curiosity you can leave the viewers at a point of astonishment and reveal it in the next Bumper Ad.

This way a series will be formed leading to storytelling via Bumper Video Ads.

According to advertisers who have worked on Bumper Ads or are working on Bumper ads find this method to be engaging and attractive enough to capture the user’s attention.

Old Spice’s famous Bumper Ad format campaign

Old Spice Quicksand Bumper

Gaining the viewer’s attention is the most important yet most challenging task in advertising.

We may watch several advertisements in a day but remember only a few. And if we are randomly asked to recall an ad, we might be able to recall only a few out of the several Ads we have watched over time.

Thus, it is observed and accepted as a fact that a series of Bumper Ads are better than just one single Bumper Ad.

Bumper ads specs

Here are a few specifications of banner ads you should know-

Maximum Duration 6 seconds
Aspect ratio native aspect ratio without letter-boxing (4:3, 16:9).
Max file size 1 GB.
Resolution 640 x 360px or 480 x 360px (recommended)
Device availability both desktop and mobile
Delivery shown before a YouTube video.

Bumper ads- a great Youtube ad format to try

Youtube bumper ads are a great video ad format to try. They can elevate your advertising campaigns without irritating the viewers.

They’re unskippable so people can’t ignore the ad message. They can lead viewers directly to your website at a less cost.

In case you are willing to build your own Bumper Ad, it is vital that you have complete knowledge about the same.

To learn more about Google AdWord including Bumper Ads, you can enroll in our Search Engine Marketing Course (SEM).

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Date: May 11 (Sat) | 11 AM - 12 PM (IST)
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1. What is the difference between TrueView and bumper?

TrueView and bumper ads are two different ad formats on youtube.

Bumper video ads are unskippable 6-second ads. These youtube videos are played before the youtube video can be played.

On the other hand, TrueView ads can be skippable. This ad format is not restricted by duration and can be more than 30 seconds long.

2. Do bumper ads have a call to action?

Yes, just like other youtube ad formats, bumper video ads do have a customizable call to action (CTA).

3. Are bumper ads cheaper?

Bumper ads can be a cost-effective way for a business to drive traffic, increase brand awareness, and even drive sales.

However, careful targeting is required while setting up a bumper ad.

4. Where do bumper ads on YouTube show?

A bumper ad is a 6-second unskippable video ad that plays before, during, or after videos watched on YouTube.

5. Does skipping YouTube ads hurt Youtubers?

Yes, Skipping ads does hurt YouTubers in the long run.

This causes YouTubers to earn less money.

Good thing is that this doesn’t affect the YouTuber’s performance and search rankings.

6. How many ad sets are too many?

Within each ad campaign, ideally, you want to have 3-5 ad sets.

Additionally, each ad set should have only one ad in it.

7. What are the 3 types of ads?

The three popular types of digital marketing ads are-

  • Display advertising.
  • Paid search advertising.
  • Social media advertising.
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Mahima Sood

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