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Complete Guide to Learn Digital Marketing 10 Fundamentals

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In modern times, a number of people – especially those belonging to the younger generation have started looking for opportunities to learn digital marketing.

This is primarily because digital marketing has become one of the best tools to effectively reach your target audience, trigger customer conversions, drive online sales, and earn lasting revenues.

Below we’ll tell you a guide that will provide insight and strategies to learn digital marketing.

According to a report by McKinley, 90% of all marketing roles require some form of digital marketing experience or analytical abilities.

Owing to its humongous demand, digital Marketing has steadily turned into a foot up on the career ladder, irrespective of which area you are working in.

However, this field of marketing is extremely broad. Its components range from graphic design, search engine optimization, and video marketing to web development, content creation, and everything else in between!

Gathering knowledge in this arena, therefore, requires a great amount of sincerity, dedication, and passion.     

Nevertheless, before you venture into the field of digital marketing, you must know that in order to be an effective modern marketer, you need to have a detailed understanding of data coupled with an ability to use cutting-edge technology.

Knowing this wouldn’t just enable you to form long-term associations but it would also help you solve real-world problems.

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What Are the Different Digital Marketing Fundamentals?

Digital marketing does not work in a silo. It operates in an environment wherein a variety of specific components function in an interconnected and interdependent way.

Be it data mining, link building, customer resource management, or landing page conversion, every aspect of these domains speaks volumes about the strength of digital marketing as a career

Here is a diagrammatic representation of the 10 Fundamentals of Digital Marketing:

1 Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
2 Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
3 Social Media Marketing (SMM)
4 Content Marketing
5 Email Marketing
6 Video Marketing
7 Link Building
8 Analytics
9 Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
10 Data Mining

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (seo)
Search engine optimization (seo) source – sovereign consult

If you are wondering how to learn digital marketing basics step by step, search engine optimization (SEO) should actually be your first pit stop.

SEO, in simple words, is the technique to get traffic from organic search results on search engines like Bing and Google.

It aims to increase the quality and visibility of a website by having it ranked higher on the search engine results page. 

The benefits of SEO include: 

  • Gathering leads and driving conversions cost-effectively.
  • Better expense management.
  • Optimize the website for relevant user experience.
  • Improvement in brand image, awareness, and credibility.
  • Establishment of trust.

2. Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Quite like SEO, search engine marketing (SEM), too, is a type of digital marketing using which websites can promote themselves online.

It uses paid advertising, contextual advertising, Pay Per Click (PPC), Cost-Per-Impression (CPI), Click Through Rate (CTR), and SEO as tools to help a website rank higher during the SERP crawling and indexing process.

When done right, SEM can prove to be the largest driver of growth for your business. This is because it enables you to: 

  • Grab the audience’s attention.
  • Measure campaign outcomes.
  • Raise brand value.
  • Gain a competitive advantage.
  • Generate more revenues.
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3. Social Media Marketing (SMM)

When it comes to inbound marketing, social media marketing (SMM) holds a place of pride. It uses social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to generate leads and attract clients.

SMM doesn’t just equip you to write witty tweets and status updates but it also helps you build a dedicated audience, understand what they like and engage with them on a regular basis.  

More so, it offers other advantages like: 

  • Better conversion rates.
  • Instant, informal communication.
  • Immediate customer satisfaction.
  • Enhanced brand loyalty.
  • Reduced marketing costs.

4. Content Marketing

Content marketing
Content marketing source – 99firms

Content marketing is essentially a strategic approach that focuses on creating and delivering relevant content with the singular aim of adding value and attracting customers.

It requires appropriate research, the inclusion of keywords, the addition of links, and the generation of consistent content. If your content is thorough, useful, and entertaining, it can easily sway the target audience in your favor!

Apart from the aforementioned, this brand of marketing offers multiple other benefits including: 

  • Higher domain authority.
  • Increased potential to convert clients.
  • Enhanced referral traffic.
  • Better SERP rankings.
  • Improved customer relationships.
  • Boost website traffic.

5. Email Marketing

As the name itself suggests, email marketing is basically a method of sending out commercial messages via electronic mail so that personalized information can be delivered to the inbox of potential customers.

At present, this form of marketing is the largest driver of business revenue. People can be personally contacted for providing information about things like updates and discounts.

If your customers find it interesting, they will begin associating with your website on a long-term basis. 

The major advantages of email marketing are:

  • Reaching an audience beyond your immediate geographical borders.
  • Easy measurement and scalability.
  • Customized information delivered with a personal touch.
  • Low costs and targeted messages.
  • Quick engagement and interest arousal.

6. Video Marketing

As a marketing strategy, video marketing is essentially an audio-visual approach that aims to deliver messages by engaging customers. It uses interactive videos to promote a brand, service, or product.

Be it presenting how-to videos, hosting live streaming events, promoting viral content, or simply creating user testimonials – video marketing harbors the potential to catch the attention of a prospective customer immediately. 

The benefits of video marketing largely involve: 

  • Instant boosting of conversion rates.
  • A great addition to email marketing.
  • Encourages social sharing.
  • Fosters SEO efforts.
  • Builds credibility and trust.

7. Link Building

One of the best ways to learn digital marketing basics is by learning the art of link building, development, and insertion. When you get other websites carrying similar content to link with your page, you automatically increase the digital authority of your site.

More so, this also gives you the opportunity to drive referral traffic and generate sustainable leads.

Although link building helps you in a variable amount of ways, it principally enables you to: 

  • Gain better exposure.
  • Increase page and domain authority.
  • Boost syndication efforts.
  • Build brand and relationships.
  • Rank higher in SERP.

8. Analytics

If you are searching for the best way to learn digital marketing, you will have to gain an in-depth understanding of web analytics.

Analytics helps you understand what the customers actually feel after they have been through your website.

By studying such consumer behavior, you can make suitable modifications and create a webpage that is attractive, efficient, and SEO-rich.  

As a tool of digital marketing, web analytics allows you to: 

  • Profile prospective customers.
  • Understand client preferences.
  • Improve web content.
  • Track marketing metrics.
  • Increase business ROI.

9. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

An often neglected facet of digital marketing is customer relationship management or CRM.

This strategy focuses on developing and maintaining a healthy relationship with your customers by means of social media marketing and search engine optimization. CRM systems don’t just help you enhance your customer retention but they also decrease the overall cost of customer management. 

CRM can prove to be highly advantageous in terms of your: 

  • Ability to forge long-term connections.
  • Finding avenues to collaborate.
  • Improving client service efficiency. 
  • Forming better relationships. 
  • Lowering costs and increasing profitability.

10. Data Mining

If questions like ‘how to learn digital marketing’ have been bothering you, data mining can be your savior.

Digital marketing utilizes data mining to discover measurable patterns in customer feedback and behavior.

This equips businesses to make their websites more relevant to contemporary needs while preparing them to rank higher in search engine result pages. 

The benefits offered by data mining as a mechanism of digital marketing include: 

  • Predicting future trends.
  • Compiling customer habits.
  • Facilitating decision-making.
  • Designing better marketing campaigns. 
  • Forming alignments with the market.

Once you have made yourself aware of the above-mentioned digital marketing domains, it would become quite easy for you to learn digital marketing in a comprehensive way.

These domains form the very core of digital marketing values, thereby enabling marketers to devise effective and lasting campaigns.

Now that studying these marketing techniques is out of the way, the next step is finding out how you can go ahead and take the first step toward learning a digital marketing guide. 

How to Learn Digital Marketing Step by Step?

The most obvious question whenever you think of Digital Marketing Basics for Beginners is ‘from where does one start now?’

To put it simply, there are two paths to learning Digital Marketing. These largely depend upon your specific needs and requirements.

Additionally, you will also have to consider the resources available at hand. Bearing this in mind, you can either opt for:

  • Self-learning, or
  • Learning from Digital Marketing experts.

Learn Digital Marketing: Self Study

The very first way to learn digital marketing is to do it on your own. Following this approach can help you understand the theoretical aspects of digital marketing basics while letting you gain knowledge about its concepts.

So, if you decide to learn digital marketing by yourself, here’s how you can proceed:

1. Digital Marketing Blogs

Digital Marketing is an ever-changing idea and for you to understand it thoroughly, you need to follow a couple of well-researched and comprehensive digital marketing blogs. These blogs would give you a basic picture of what digital marketing is really like and how you can learn it step by step. 

Some of the blogs which are relatively fresh and contain a tremendous amount of actionable information include:

(i) The Moz Blog  The Moz blog is essentially an inbound marketing and search engine optimization blog. It doesn’t just explain the core concepts of digital marketing but it also provides updates and the latest news from the digital marketing industry.By far, it is considered to be the best blog for learning digital marketing online.

(ii) Search Engine Journal – The search engine journal is a wonderful guide for marketers who want to learn digital marketing. It carries useful SEO information, search engine algorithms, and other similar initiatives which can equip a learner to pick up concepts and apply them easily. 

(iii) Quicksprout Run by the highly successful blogger Neil Patel, Quicksprout is your one-stop solution for understanding digital marketing basics. The blog contains a plethora of tactics and strategies which can easily help you drive traffic and boost conversions. 

(iv) Kissmetrics Kissmetrics is a blog that enables you to get a hold of marketing analytics. With its metrics dashboard, funnels, cohorts, and trigger-based notifications, the blog helps you facilitate customer engagement and retention. 

(v) Marketing land If you are wondering how to learn digital marketing step by step, the marketing land blog can help you gain a thorough insight. This blog showcases all relevant and informative updates from both industry leaders and online entrepreneurs in a simple, transparent, and effortless way. 

(vi) HubSpot Marketing Focused entirely on inbound marketing, the HubSpot marketing blog is simply a haven for those who are planning to learn digital marketing. It tackles a variety of strategies and approaches that deal with the contemporary marketing world on a regular basis. 

(vii) EConsultancy- The e-consultancy blog aims to cover the entire spectrum of digital marketing, ranging from content creation, search engine optimization, and graphic design to video marketing, customer relationship management, and social media marketing. It offers practical advice while catering to specific niches so that digital marketers can effectively use innovative tactics and meet their marketing objectives.

2. Videos

After digital marketing blogs, videos are the second-best way to know how to learn digital marketing step by step.

When you intend to learn online marketing on your own, it is important to seek tutelage from the brightest minds in the digital industry.

With an audio-visual aid like videos at your disposal, this learning process becomes all the more powerful.

Digital Marketing videos not only give valuable insights but also handle questions like what, why, and how in a quick and easy manner! 

3. Podcasts on Digital Marketing

If you like to learn while you are working out, commuting from one place to another, or just chilling – podcasts are a fun way to do it.

These podcasts won’t merely help you develop your digital marketing skills but they would also give you the flexibility of learning at any time, anywhere. 

Here is a list of the most effective global podcasts that can empower you to become a successful digital marketer:

  • Marketing Scoop by SEMrush. 
  • Everyone hates marketers.
  • Seeking wisdom by Drift
  • Call to action to Unbounce.
  • Duct tape marketing.
  • The Marketing companion.
  • Growth marketing toolbox.
  • Pro-Blogger Podcast.
  • The Jeff Large Podcast.
  • Online Marketing Made Easy.

4. Digital Marketing Slideshows and Infographics

Do you find it easy to learn via visual presentations? 

If your answer is yes, Digital Marketing slides and infographics can prove to be your best bet! 

They are a wonderful way to learn about digital marketing skills while keeping your interest alive.

There are numerous infographics and slideshows available online which can teach about the specific marketing topic that you are looking for.

Therefore, it would be wise to prepare a list of exactly what you want to learn and then pick out slideshows that explain that topic in detail.

5. Digital Marketing Books

If you are a reader at heart, you can easily choose books in order to learn digital marketing. Even if you forget a concept and need to revisit it, books will provide you with a constant source of reference.

With their continuity and stability to back you up, your learning process would further become easier. 

Moreover, reading the best digital marketing books will enhance your knowledge so much that you would be able to handle the digital marketing of a startup, a medium-sized enterprise, or a large corporation with equal efficiency. 

In this context, some of the top digital marketing books are:

  • Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation & Practice by Dave Chaffey & Fiona Ellis-Chadwick.
  • The Power of Visual Storytelling by Ekaterina Walter.
  • Global Content Marketing by Pam Didner.
  • You’re My Favorite Client by Mike Monteiro.
  • Digital Marketing for Dummies by Ryan Deiss and Russ Hennesberry.
  • Don’t Make Me Think (Revisited) – A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability by Steve Krug.
  • E-Mail Persuasion: Captivate and Engage your audience, Build Authority, and Generate More sales with email marketing by Ian Brodie.
  • Social Media Marketing by Jan Zimmerman and Deborah.
  • The Webinar Way: The Single Most Effective Way to Promote Your Services, Drive Leads & Sell a Ton of Product by Sherri Rose.
  • Tribes – We need you to Lead us by Seth Godin. 
  • The art of digital marketing by Ian Dodson. 
  • Everybody Writes – Your Go-To Guide For Creating Ridiculously Good Content by Ann Handley. 
  • Web Analytics 2.0: The Art of Online Accountability and Science Of Customer Centricity by Avinash Kaushik.
  • Understanding Digital Marketing: Marketing Strategies for engaging the Digital generation by Calvin Jones and Damian Ryan.
  • Growth Hacker Marketing by Ryan Holiday.
Digital marketing books
Digital marketing books source – freepik

6. Digital Marketing Courses

At present, the internet serves as the greatest medium to learn digital marketing basics.

There are multiple courses available online, which allow you to learn digital marketing with minimal costs.

In fact, some courses are offered for free! 

Here is a list of some digital marketing courses that you can opt-in for if you want to build your marketing career:

       1 Google Online Marketing Challenge With more than 100,000 people from 100+ countries participating in Google’s Online Marketing Challenge, this course has steadily gained a massive following.

It covers modules like – an introduction to Digital Marketing, search advertising, search engine marketing, video, analytics, social, mobile, and display advertising.

This online course is considered to be one of the most comprehensive courses which ensures that beginners are not left in the lurch.

The Google online marketing challenge will help you gather both, knowledge and real-world experience.

2 WordStream’s PPC University Created by WordStream, PPC University is a free online learning resource to help beginners build their digital marketing skills.

As the name suggests, this course lays special focus on developing the PPC abilities of its subscribers.

One good thing about this digital marketing course is that it is completely mobile-friendly.

This means that you don’t have to adjust your timings in accordance with the timings of this course.

You can simply browse through it as and when you are free!

3 Social Media Quickstarter Digital Marketing Course Social Media Quickstarter by Constant Contact is a digital marketing course that primarily emphasizes on opportunities to integrate email marketing with social media marketing.

It provides a step-by-step guide using which beginners can study a variety of digital marketing tactics.

Whether you are preparing to launch initiatives for Google+, Pinterest, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn or you are interested in dealing with online listings, reviews, and blogging sites – this course offers you the best of both worlds!

4 Moz’s SEO Training Course Moz’s SEO training course is one of the best courses for people who are looking for a very basic introduction to the world of search engine optimization.

This course does a fine job of explaining different components of SEO to beginners who possess limited practical knowledge.

The entire course is about 3.5 hours long and has nearly 150,000 students registered from across the world.

This digital marketing course also provides certificates on successful completion.

5 HubSpot Academy Content Marketing Certification Course The HubSpot academy digital marketing course consists of nine different professors who aim to impart detailed knowledge about content creation, promotion, and packaging.

The course covers 12 lessons and runs for approximately 4.5 to 5 hours. The marketers are quizzed after every lesson so that their understanding can be tested and new ideas can solidly take root.

6 Ahrefs Academy Created by Tim Soulo and Kathryn Aragon, Ahrefs academy provides a digital marketing course that covers various aspects of marketing like keyword research, link building, competitive research, strategic SEO, and link acquisition.

Every lesson is backed up by a set of clear examples which help subscribers learn marketing concepts and retain them for a long period of time.

7 The 2018 SEO Training Course With an objective to build sustainable traffic for business growth, the 2018 SEO training course by Matthew Howells-Barby provides an in-depth, actionable, and comprehensive insight into the world of SEO.

The course doesn’t just impart knowledge to beginners. It also offers regular exercises, quizzes, and workbooks so that prospective marketers can learn well and perform better.

8 Hootsuite Academy

Offering a variety of certifications and courses through the Hootsuite platform, this academy is one of the best places to learn digital marketing online.

It covers topics like social media marketing, ROI development, advanced digital marketing strategy, and content marketing tactics.

All its certifications are industry-recognized.  

Apart from the above, there are a number of other domain-specific courses available online, for free.

These include Google Primer, Bing Ads Training, Instagram Business Stories, Summer Series by Constant Contact, Twitter Flight School, and Google Digital Garage. 

Learn Digital Marketing: Comprehensive Study with Experts

At first glance, the self-study concept might seem quite attractive to you. And why not? 

You don’t have to invest much in terms of money and you have the flexibility to skip your learning sessions!

Moreover, self-study courses also add to your comfort and convenience while ensuring that you remain up to date. 

However, before proceeding any further, you need to identify why exactly you wish to learn digital marketing.

Is it for setting up your own business or do you simply want to polish your marketing skills? 

Let us understand this with the help of an example:

1. Let us consider that you want to establish a career in the Digital Marketing arena as a Digital Marketing Manager. In this case, learning Digital Marketing from experts should be your sole agenda.

This is because as a digital marketing manager, you will have to deal with a number of responsibilities that will require you to have expertise in the subject. While self-study can help you gain knowledge, such expertise can only be inculcated if you learn from people who have the requisite experience.  

2. In case you are already working and are simply looking to imbibe some digital marketing values and practices into your current line of work, self-study should automatically become your one-stop solution.

You can just take free courses available online or go through digital marketing videos in order to understand and apply basic marketing concepts. 

In other words, if you decide to learn Digital Marketing from a career point of view, then you must go to a leading Digital Marketing Institute and get expert guidance.

Learn digital marketing:
Learn digital marketing: source – freepik

Learn from Online Marketing Experts vs Self Study: Final Take

Although both expert guidance and self-study are good options, if you need to align your take on the basis of your goals, here is an analysis to help you make a credible decision:

If you study by yourself:

(i) There will be a minimum or no money investment.

(ii) All you would require is a working internet connection. 

(iii) You will not have to expend any resources. 

(iv) The only resource you will need to invest is time. 


(i) You will have to invest a lot of time in finding the best information for you.

(ii) Since you are a beginner with minimal or no knowledge of Digital Marketing, it would be difficult for you to assess where to study from in accordance with your goals.

If you go for experts:

(i) You will have to invest some amount of money.


(i) You will gain appropriate and structured guidance.

(ii) Hands-on and practical knowledge of all Digital Marketing domains would be made available to you.

(iii) You will develop a strong foundation since experts will be there to walk you through each step.

Ready to Learn Digital Marketing? Here Is a Quick Checklist!

Before you actually start walking on the path destined for you, here are the top Digital Marketing Skills that you must possess:

1. Openness to Learn

Since the digital media industry is a highly competitive and fast-growing area, it is quite easy for businesses to differentiate between candidates who wish to learn more and who don’t want to step out of their comfort zones. 

Therefore, if you want to establish yourself as a successful digital marketer, you need to have a great desire, passion, and zeal for learning new things. You can enroll yourself in any of the top schools of Digital Marketing to kick-start your career.

2. Stay Updated

To gain an edge over others, you need to keep yourself abreast with the latest news. You can do this by following influential people on social media and digital marketing sites. Staying updated will help you keep in touch with the newest initiatives thronging the digital marketing industry.

As major companies like Facebook, Google, and Twitter regularly change their algorithms and paid advertising platforms, a failure to be acquainted with the latest changes, can actually make you lose your chance of building a good career! 

3. Networking

Are there more talented people are you? 

If not, it is time to meet new people who will be your ongoing support network when you run into problems and who will help you with opportunities that you might not have otherwise found.

For doing this, you can attend industry meet-ups and conferences within your area. This will enable you to establish and nurture relationships with other digital marketers and get a professional understanding of the digital marketing sector. 

Digital Marketing is an arena with many grey areas between theoretical best practices and practical outcomes.

However, it allows you to try your own ideas without blindly following other leaders’ opinions.

This is why it is important to try your hand at multiple disciplines like Content Marketing, Social Media, PPC, SEO, Email Marketing, etc., and be accountable for the success or failure of a project. 

Networking will prepare you to do just that!  

4. Know the Digital Marketing Jargon

As a prospective digital marketer, you need to be aware of all the digital marketing jargon. These include acronyms such as SEO, SEM, PPC, SERP, etc.

All of these are very different terms with interconnected but varying meanings.

Any misunderstanding in comprehending them can prove to be a clear sign of your amateurish interpretation. 

Learn this jargon and its implications by heart, so that when you apply for a digital marketing position, you are not sent forth for further training.

5. Personal Branding is Important

If you don’t have a visible online presence of your own, it would be quite ironic for you to even think of becoming a digital marketer!  

Correct this anomaly by making social media platforms your best friends. Try to build your personal brand by expanding your online presence to multiple platforms.

Learn digital marketing basics from wherever you can and make sure that you keep up with the latest happenings in the market. 

To put it simply, personal branding is important because you can’t learn digital marketing by just sticking to the stands.

6. Become a Techie

Digital marketing is not a glamorous industry! You can’t expect to be driven by exciting things every day. Instead, you have to be prepared to deal with the dull and dreary without letting it affect your dedication and passion.

To begin with, you will have to start liking data, analytics, statistics, and other similar technicalities.

As a digital marketer, even though you will not be creating websites from scratch, you most certainly will be communicating commands to others on a regular basis.

These commands will consist of your specific requirements coupled with some basic technology needs. 

Therefore, foundational knowledge of HTML, Java, Alt Text, UX, UI, and other designing tactics would be essential for you to get a good grip on ‘how to do digital marketing’.

7. Certified

Get certified
Get certified source – bcon global

Having a complete digital marketing course certification will not just help you become a competent digital marketer but it will also equip you to get a good digital marketing job.

Additionally, a digital marketing certification will help you in terms of:

  • Clearing the basic concepts of digital marketing.
  • Knowing the advanced concepts of the marketing sector.
  • Having hands-on practical knowledge.
  • Increasing your scope of placement.
  • Expanding your understanding and developing your digital marketing skills.

8. Writing & Editing

As a digital marketer, writing and editing need to be on top of your acquired digital marketing skill set.

You don’t merely have to write blog posts or create attractive landing pages.

Instead, you have to find words and aids that help you connect with your audience and convince them to turn from leads to customers. 

Developing these writing and editing skills will largely include tactics like keyword research, link building, content optimization, and information disbursal. 

9. CRM Skills

Last but not least, for succeeding in the digital marketing sector, you will need to inculcate CRM or customer relationship management skills.

As every client is different, you will have to understand individual customer behavior and provide them with an experience that is satisfying and unique on a personal level.

They will have to be emotionally invested in your business if you want to retain them for a long time. 

Therefore, cultivating CRM skills and using them to sustain relationships with customers is a basic requirement that most digital marketers have to necessarily fulfill. 

10 Things You Should Learn About Digital Marketing

  • Be fast. Know the current trends and adapt to these changes as soon as you can.
  • You don’t have to be on every platform. Know your audience and go where they are.
  • Keep a digital marketing expert as your godfather. It will generate passion and love for digital marketing.
  • Don’t just do customer acquisition mechanically. Instead, nurture your relationship with them. 
  • Make sure that the buyer’s journey is as simple as possible.
  • When it comes to knowing about different marketing domains, be a jack of all trades. But, specialize and offer unique services in at least one specific sector. 
  • As digital marketing is conducted entirely online, be very cautious about data privacy and security. 
  • Equip yourself to work on any device, from anywhere, and at any time. 
  •  Aim to understand customer behavior thoroughly and derive patterns from it based on which you can take smart business decisions. 
  • Make sure that each one of your marketing campaigns is well-researched and properly optimized.

The Way Forward

The emergence of digital technologies has taken the world of marketing by storm. Not only have these tools provided a wonderful platform for greater business visibility but they have also brought about a major transformation in the way traditional marketing channels tend to function. 

Moreover, if you reside in Delhi/NCR and are looking for a Digital Marketing Course in Delhi, choose the best one that suits your requirement.

More so, Digital Marketing is an extremely dynamic concept that includes a number of variable dimensions. In order to become a pro in Digital Marketing, you should have a clear understanding of the digital marketing course content.

Whether you accomplish this by self-study or take any of the available Digital Marketing Courses, the choice is entirely yours!

To build your career in the Digital Marketing Industry, read this ebook on “The Journey of a Digital Marketer“.

Nonetheless, you need to make sure that you grasp every aspect of digital marketing and all its associated domains in an extensive way. 

Hope this helps! 

Enroll in the Certified Digital Marketing Master Course to learn Digital Marketing and boost your career or business growth.

If you still have any more queries, feel free to drop us a word.


1. How can I learn digital marketing online for free?

You have to start with basic knowledge of digital marketing by reading blogs, watching Youtube videos, listening to podcasts, enrolling in the online free course, etc.

2. How much time does it take to learn digital marketing?

It takes most people 3-5 months of continuous learning to know distinctive channels, tools, and techniques of digital marketing

3. Why learning digital marketing is important?

Yes, learning digital marketing is important because online presence for businesses continues to grow and it allows businesses to target audiences effectively based on gender, age, location, interest, and education and ultimately driving growth and revenue.

4. Who can learn digital marketing courses?

Everyone is eligible to do a digital marketing course whether you are a student, a working professional, or a business owner.

Avatar of anukrati mehta
Anukrati Mehta
A creative writer, capable of curating engaging content in various domains including technical articles, marketing copy, website content, and PR.

18 thoughts on “Complete Guide to Learn Digital Marketing 10 Fundamentals”

  1. Avatar of pooja chhabda
    Pooja Chhabda

    Awesome Article..i just loved the way of explaining Digital Marketing Step by Step..Was searching for this kind of Article..Thanks Digital Vidya.

  2. Thank you so much your article is very help full basic and technical knowledge including in your article
    Thanks lot Digitalvidya

  3. Avatar of rebecca dumais
    Rebecca Dumais

    I would love to learn more about your certification course but why, oh why, don’t you put the cost on this page??? Transparency folks!!! Before I take your “live video demo class”, I would love to know if I will be able to afford your course – otherwise it is just a waste of my time. Thank you.

    1. Avatar of pradeep chopra
      Pradeep Chopra

      Thanks Rebecca for sharing your input. The complete details of the program including fee is visible at

      Moreover, the purpose of orientation session is not only about sharing the opportunity of the program. It’s also intended to educate our participants about the opportunity of digital marketing for their career & business growth through relevant examples and hands-on exercises.

      Hope this helps.

  4. Avatar of digital vidya editorial team
    Digital Vidya Editorial Team

    @Pooja, Jameeludeen, Alam, Nihal, Arun and Y.V.Ashalatha: We’re glad to know that this comprehensive guide on learing digital marketing has helped you. Thanks for your kind words of appreciation, our intial objective is met. We’d further like to help you groom you on leveraging digital marketing for your career and business growth. You can do that simply by registering for a FREE Live session:

    Good luck! 🙂

  5. The brief guide on digital marketing has made me understand , not only its significance in today’s fast changing era, , it has provided broad insights on its different platforms. thank you digital Vidya Editorial Team.

  6. Avatar of cheryl ziegler
    Cheryl Ziegler

    This is the type of learning that is what I want. I can go at my own speed and learn what I need to learn. Thank you for your information.

  7. Avatar of pankaj solanki
    Pankaj solanki

    thank you for posting this blog and sharing this nice content with us. after reading this blog all my doubts is clear about the digital marketing course. once again thank you so much

  8. I am looking to get started with digital marketing. This article help me get the overview of it. Thanks for the info!

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Raj Sharma, Digital Vidya Team 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (IST)
Apr 28
Marketing Leaders from Paytm Insider, Cognizant and Digital Vidya 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM (IST)
Mar 24
Marketing Leaders from Merkle Sokrati, 3M, Uber India and VIP Industries Limited 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM (IST)

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