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How to get Likes on Facebook in 14 Awesome Ways

How to get likes on facebook

What is the first thing that grandstands the authority of a Facebook page? – The obvious answer is the number of likes that the page has. So, if you are looking forward to knowing how to get likes on Facebook, this post is definitely for you.

Actually, with around 2 billion active Facebook users, 60+ million Facebook business pages.

Dog-eat-dog sorts of competition to rank better, businesses are going ferociously to use the real power of Facebook for stretching out their significance.

And in all such situations, the elementary thing that befuddles every Facebook Page Owner is How to get likes on Facebook.

Facebook still dominates social media advertising heavily.

I’ve seen many newbie marketers who immediately afteFr creating Facebook page start searching ‘How to get 1000 likes on Facebook’ or ‘How to get likes on facebook’.

Let me tell you here that it is not going to happen overnight. In addition, only having more number of likes on a Facebook page is never going to offer you the advantages that your business deserves. – For appreciating the real profits, you need to have an engaged fan base.

To know how to get likes on Facebook, you need to learn and master how to leverage Facebook in the most engaging, entertaining, appealing and influential way to draw in those audiences who are ready to be your loyal customers (generally you call them fans/followers!).

In this post, we are not going to cover the tricks of how to get fake likes on Facebook. But, you will be finding real and practical ways that make your brand likeable and know how to get likes on Facebook.

In fact, the best way to learn ‘how to get unlimited likes of Facebook or how to get auto likes on Facebook or how to get likes on Facebook’ is primarily based upon the quality and relevancy of your content to your target audiences.

Offering value to your audiences will help you get free Facebook likes in return.

We are now going to discuss the best ways in which you can increase your chances of getting more ‘Likes’ on your Facebook page straight away & know how to get likes on Facebook:-

14 Tips To Learn How to Get Likes On Facebook

1. Have The Right Facebook Marketing Strategy

Facebook marketing strategy
Facebook marketing strategy

To know how to get likes on Facebook & get what you want out of Facebook you have to put in the effort. Speaking of that, the first thing you should invest your energy in is crafting a Facebook Marketing strategy that complements your goals on the platform.

When you know, what to do? how to do it? It will become easier for you to get the most out of the platform. For creating a powerful Facebook Marketing Strategy & knowing how to get likes on Facebook, the following steps are important-

(i) Defining your audience

(ii) Setting goals

(iii) Planning the content mix for your audience

(iv) Creating a Facebook Business Page

(v) Start posting (Facebook text post, Facebook photo post, Facebook video post, Facebook Live video, Linked content post, Pinned post)

(vi) Consider using Facebook Groups

(vii) Incorporating Facebook ads

(viii) Tracking, measuring, and refining the strategy

2. Create An Appealing & Relevant Page

The first and foremost thing when it comes knowing how to get likes on Facebook & attracting people to your page is how you appear to them and to appear attractive to them you got to have an amazing page which is complete with all the great posts. Some of the main points regarding this are:

(i) Write a detailed ‘About section’ on your Facebook page

(ii) Choose profile and cover pictures that represent your brand and your brand personality

(iii) Pin-up your most popular posts

To know how to get likes on Facebook, you should create your Facebook page after nailing down your target niche, Facebook Marketing Goals, and content strategy. Few tips that will help you-

(i) Opt for search-friendly page name i.e. your brand name and opt for custom URL of your page that has to be consistent on all social media channels. Create impressive ‘About’ section by giving important details of your business.

(ii) Provide information, so your followers can contact you. Let Cover & Profile Pic represent your brand effectively and add a CTA, so your audiences can take favourable actions. This also helps you learn how to get 1000 likes on the Facebook profile picture.

3. Know The Right Timing

Right time to post on facebook
Right time to post on facebook source – marketing91

Doing the right thing at the right time always presents its rewards.

The same is true when it comes to knowing how to get likes on Facebook & posting on Facebook and mastering how to get likes on Facebook.

If you want your posts to be visible more, you should always select timings when people are most likely to look at them. These timings are most often when people are in transit or have come back from work.

Being consistent in posting is a sure way to get noticed in any platform and Facebook is no different on this.  This certainly helps in knowing how to get likes on Facebook.

When you are consistent with the type and the time of your postings, people get an idea on what they can expect from your page. Another point, which helps with the popularity, is posting content as per the most suitable times of your audiences.

Now, the right time depends on who your audiences are.

With some research, you can easily find the optimum time but in general, on weekdays the right time is around 12 to 3 pm and on weekends around 12 to 1 am.

Some of the other ‘How to get likes on Facebook Guides’ suggest posting your content at noon or past 7 in the evening.

4. Use Photos Smartly

How to get likes on facebook
Digital vidya photo post pinned

Another important tip that guides on How to get likes on Facebook to suggest is the impressive and smart use of photos on Facebook.

A picture is worth a thousand words’, so use your pictures well to tell the story of your brand. Photos are successful in grabbing people’s attention 10 times faster than that of status updates or posts.

Photos need less time to be processed and you should choose those which are appealing, relevant and interactive.

Photo posts are considered best for building awareness or sparking engagement for your brand.

If you have been in search of how to get like on Facebook then according to the study of Management Science Journal, photo posts on Facebook will impressively increase the number of comments and likes for you.

5. Create A Page That Your Audiences Can Easily Find

As said earlier, when you want to create a Facebook page for your business & know how to get likes on Facebook, it’s always advisable to go with the name of your business without additional keywords.

Why do we say that? Well, first it makes your Facebook page appear more legitimate and second it becomes easier for your followers or audience to find you.

This way, you can add Facebook Follow, Share and Like button on your Blog or Site that will ultimately let your audiences land on your Facebook page.

You can also embed any of your Facebook posts on your blog or website to increase the reach and likes of your Facebook page.

To know how to get likes on Facebook, keep the following things in mind.

You can also promote your Facebook page on other social media platforms such as Twitter or LinkedIn and get more likes on your Facebook page.

Having a consistent name everywhere will also help you get more likes from your existing contacts, friends, followers, and employees.

You can also promote your Facebook page in real life by adding your FB page address on your cards, brochure or banner, and your audiences will find you.

6. Post Relevant & Interactive Content Consistently

Post relevant & interactive content consistently
Post relevant & interactive content consistently

Yes, Facebook does host 2 billion users but still, it’s not easy to grab the attention of your target audience because there are many who are trying to do the same.

In this tough competition to secure ‘Likes’ and engagement on your posts, you have to offer value to the audience that they are going to love.

When you look for different tips on how to get likes on Facebook, this is the most constructive and productive way to do this.

You will automatically get more likes when you post relevant content on your Facebook Page that relates to your audience and also conveys your brand message.

Another proven way which results in achieving greater ‘Likes’ is through posting content which is interactive in nature. Few things you can follow while creating relevant content for your Facebook page is-

(i) Include compelling visuals

(ii) Write great headlines

(iii) Don’t be too promotional

(iv) Give followers what they want

(v) Invest in video

7. Understand & Use The Facebook Algorithm To Your Benefits

Facebook algorithm
Facebook algorithm source – sprout social

Understanding the algorithm of any platform empowers you to implement marketing strategies that really work.

Since Facebook is a social networking site, it is a given that it prioritizes content that seems entertaining and enjoyable to people.

Facebook increases the visibility of those posts that are of good quality and are not too promotional.

Therefore, to feature in the news feeds of more people, you have to invest your time and efforts in making your content valuable.

There is no shortcut to it. Don’t try to spam your posts in a bid to reach the top stories because the Facebook algorithm recognizes that.

Again, making use of the live video feature on Facebook is another great way to increase your reach, as Facebook automatically showcases in the news feed of your audiences that you are in the live mode.

8. Use Facebook Ads

Making use of Facebook Ads is another great way to increase your reach to people and have more engagements.

Facebook Ads have a laser-focused targeting feature, which enables you to bring forward your content to the ideal audience.

Because of this, the best guides on how to get likes on Facebook to suggest using Facebook Ads for increasing your fan base. This can be done in two ways:

(i) By Boosting A Post

Consider a post that has already become a hit with your existing Facebook followers. When you boost such a post, it ends up showing on the news feed of your target audience and enables you to pull more followers to your page.

(ii) By Running A Campaign

Facebook runs a campaign based on your campaign objectives and the type of your business. When gaining more Likes is the main objective of your campaign, you can have Facebook exposing your page to a wider audience.

Types Of Facebook Ads

(i) Photo Facebook ads

(ii) Video Facebook ads

(iii) Slideshow Facebook ads

(iv) Facebook Carousel ads

(v) Facebook Collection ads

(vi) Facebook Canvas ads

(vii) Facebook Lead ads

You Can Use Facebook Ads For

(i) App installs

(ii) Brand awareness

(iii) Conversions

(iv) Engagement

(v) Lead generation

(vi) Reach

(vii) Product catalogue sales

(viii) Store visits

(ix) Traffic

(x) Video views

All this will ultimately help you get more likes on Facebook Page.

9. Run Facebook Contest

How to get likes on facebook
Pizza hut india fb contest

Interactive posts get more attention as compared to static posts and hosting Facebook contest is the king of being interactive.

To master top strategies of How to get likes on Facebook, it is essential that you learn and implement the best Facebook Contest that ensures the expected outcomes.

Running Facebook Contest is not only a good way to reward your fans but it is also a great way to increase your Likes and engagements, as people are going to keep on checking your Facebook page to know about the status of the contest, and whether more such contests are underway or not.

Even in a study of CMI-

81 percent of marketers confirmed that interactive content like Contests on Fb grabs more attention than static content.

Different types of contests can be run on Facebook. For this, you can also use special tools to design the contest like Tab site, AgoraPulse, and ShortStack or can choose to go with simple text only Timeline contest.

(i) Facebook Contest Ideas

(a) Like or comment to win

(b) Photo caption contest

(c) Knowledge-testing question or trivia contest

(d) User-generated content contest

Your content prizes should resonate with your audiences. You should also use all your social networks for promoting your contest. Paid promotions can also help you with this.

10. Use Facebook Insights

Facebook insights
Facebook insights source – online income teacher

Researching your current audience, your reach and your posts become very easy with Facebook’s Insight feature.

This option provides you with a clear perspective on what type of audience you are popular with and which kinds of posts are getting more attention.

These data offered in the Facebook Insights enable you to streamline your future efforts and investments to bear positive returns i.e. getting more Likes.

When you cut down your mistakes and amplify your strength, you can easily be on your way to grow your popularity. Knowing behavioural patterns of your audiences is a very effective practice to learn how to get likes on Facebook.

11. Know Your Facebook Influencers & Use Them

Facebook Influencers are like celebrities. In today’s time, using individuals who have a great following on Fb to promote your brand is one of the most effective ways to master how to get likes on Facebook.

Influencers generally share with their fan-base some interesting information and in turn enjoy a huge following.

If you make it a point to follow some of these Facebook Influencers, you will find yourself to always be on top of your game regarding what is in trend.

In this way, you can take advantage of these influencers to get connected to a wider audience for your Facebook page.

Check the influencers in your industry, and ask them to promote your page in exchange for some money or other favours. Instagram influencers can also be very powerful in promoting your Facebook page.

12. Testimonials Are Effective

How to get likes on facebook
Digital vidya testimonials

A happy customer is your best advocate.

Share with your audience the testimonials of your happy customers to build the credibility of your business on Facebook.

People need to see that what your offering has made a difference to a person’s life and that people have found your products and services valuable. The most suitable way to do this is by publishing the testimonials of some of your customers.

This is considered one of the most convincing ways to get free Facebook likes.

As per the best guides on how to get likes on Facebook, you can start doing this by encouraging your customers to write testimonials about your products.

According to a recent report, customers view online reviews to be equally trustworthy as much as a personal recommendation.

13. Use Your Friends & Followers

Your existing friends and followers can act as great marketing agents for your business page.

If your friends and followers are enjoying your Facebook page activities, you can ask them to Like or share the same with others, so others can enjoy your content too.

This way of networking will easily widen the reach of your Facebook page. And, if you are creating the quality content that is offering value to page viewers, you will for sure start getting more likes on your Facebook page.

Marketers or page owners who always search for How to get likes on Facebook just after creating their Fb page can easily increase likes on their page by following this tip.

Using your friends and followers is very effective to way to promote your page to other people.

All you have to do is ask them to be more active on your page. Direct referrals are another great way that promotes a Facebook page. Being an expert in using your friends and followers will you excel the techniques of How to get likes on Facebook.

14. Engage With Other Brands or Communities

Let’s not forget that Facebook is a social networking site, so put on your social hat and start joining the pages of brands that are close to your niche market but are not your direct competitors.

You can easily draw the attention of other brands through a Like or comment on their post. This can even open the doors to have work collaborations to achieve collective goals on Facebook.

Further, you can also tag other brands on your posts that are relevant to them.

This will increase your post visibility to their audience. You can also choose to join some relevant groups pertaining to your niche.

Wrapping Up…

So, you’ve got it all in your marketing arsenal!

Those were just super 14 techniques of how to get likes Facebook right away!

Hopefully, you might have understood how to get likes on Facebook.

What should be your next step now? – Mastering Facebook Marketing!

Actually, what I would suggest here that despite just going for Facebook Marketing; you should join a Social Media Marketing Course.

After all, when you start using all social platforms collectively, you will be easily getting more and more likes.

Opting for this course will help you master Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Snapchat, Video and Pinterest Marketing on hands-on projects. This will help you master how to get likes on Facebook like a pro-Facebook Marketer.

What practices have you tried and what are you going to try after readings this post to get more likes on Facebook? – Share with us in comments!

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Shivendra Tiwari
Engineer by Education, Marketing Influencer by Profession, and Creative Writer by Passion- Shivendra is involved in Branding, Advertising & Consulting in the domain of Digital Marketing over the years. He relies upon his Digital Marketing learnings and uses the creative DNA for composing blogs that have the applied zeal to engage, entertain and inspire the readers- to Connect- Convince- Convert their target audiences via different digital media channels.

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